6 Months of Seeking your Soul Path

6 Months of Seeking your Soul Path  is an intimate adventure where we leave no stone unturned as you journey who you really are, what you really want, what it is you are truly here to create.

In this container your business roots will find themselves flourishing in nourished soil for the first time in years so you can finally create from a space of wholeness, instead of searching for yourself in the breadcrumbs of your business.

It will leave you satiated by the grounded sensation of fullness. You will know INTIMATELY, for the first time what it feels like to truly overflow. You will ditch constantly pouring from and draining your cup to get the sticker of success from others that ALWAYS feels empty and weightless.

I will be your hand-holding, cheerleading, in the corner of your souls expression, will not let you get away with ANYTHING guide to knowing and staying on your souls path.

If you are looking for a bestie you can spill your heart truths to, who will listen without judgement, who will remind you of the powerful being you are, who will let it be all about you for a moment, hold you in times of discomfort, and celebrate the heck out of you in your times of rise…

If you are you ready to learn how to trust yourself implicitly, for your clarity to be clear as crystal, to receive and know the step-after-aligned step to take…

'6 Months of Seeking your Soul Path ’ is calling for YOU.


The juice of what you’ll receive:

6 month package

✨2 x 1:1 90min calls per month (12 total) l (valued at $5,999)

✨ 1x Biz & Birth Chart Reading (valued at $577)

✨ A video recording of the each online session to re-watch and receive insight from over and over again.

✨ WhatApp support, intuitive guidance and an Astrologer in your pocket. Voice drop support, any questions in between our sessions? Needing a sounding board as you begin to awake your intuition and new ideas come flooding in. Desire a card to be pulled for you? Send your thoughts and I will get back to you within 48hrs. (valued at $1,332)

✨ Personalised guided meditations, unique to what is current in your life, your business, and the energy you wish to work with and call in as required. (valued at $480)

✨ 6 Months access to the Soul Seeker Subscription (valued at $264)

Total value - $12,816!

$4,444.00 AUD