$1,111.00 AUD

Up-level Your 90-Day Experience with a Biz & Birth Chart Reading!

Use your astrology to understand the intention and essence of your business, and how that interacts with your personal birthchart - it is an empowering and easy way to stay on track with your business and fulfil the legacy that you are aching to create in this lifetime!

90 Days of Abundant Action

A 90 day personalised plan with private 1:1 support to work with the energy of your birth chart to seek your most easeful, practical, aligned and abundant path forward in life and business. 

In the next 90 days you will

✨ Gain an intimate and deep understanding of your own astrological rhythms and energetic influences

✨ Feel 10 steps ahead of yourself because you have proactively planned your path to experiencing ease no matter what season you're moving through

✨ Have your exact astrological dates that are turbo charged for energy, proactivity, abundance, healing, opportunities and growth

✨ Have a practical application of spiritual and energetic principles...

So that business feel easeful, your mind feels clear and your soul feels nourished. 

90 days of Abundant Action will leave you feeling like you are the curator of your dreams, and the designer of your life.

Satiated by nourishing your dreams with aligned action, you will know INTIMATELY, for the first time what it feels like to truly be in flow and honour the season you are in. 

You will ditch constantly following your head, making decision after decision you 'thought was a good idea at the time' only to be left feeling 'there has got to be more than this'.

I will be your hand-holding, cheerleading, in the corner of your souls expression, will not let you get away with ANYTHING guide to knowing and staying on your souls path.

Are you ready to learn how to trust yourself implicitly?

For your clarity to be clear as crystal?

To receive and know step-after-aligned step to take?

If so '90 days of Abundant Action' is calling for YOU.


The juice you (tangibly) receive

 x 1:1 90 minute accountability and planning sessions at the top of each month

✨ Astro Seasons & Power Dates Guide - Your personalised roadmap and companion for abundant aligned action. Including specific dates of astrological alignment personalised for you and your business, and step by step actions to take to strategically harness the powerful energy of these transits. Know when, where, and what to focus on for optimal impact on various aspects of your life and business throughout the 90 days.

 Downloadable video recording of the each session to re-watch and receive insight from over and over again.

 Intuitive guidance and an Astrologer in your pocket. Voice drop support, any questions in between our sessions? Needing a sounding board as you begin to awake your intuition and new ideas come flooding in. Desire a card to be pulled for you? Send your thoughts and I will get back to you within 48hrs. 

✨ Personalised guided meditations, unique to what is current in your life, your business, and the energy you wish to work with and call in as required.

 Access to the Soul Seeker Society while you are in this container.